Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Recharge your cellphone in 30 seconds

If you've been wishing you don't need to wait for your smartphone to recharge, you a in for a good news. Very soon you will be able co recharge your gadget in less than 30 seconds, thanks to bright idea from a teenager - Eesha Khare.

For my hobby in photography, I'd love to have this 'supercapacitor' to recharge my Speedlight in two minutes. Right now my Nikon flashlight batteries recharge in about an hour.

30 second charger
Watch this clip and CNN's report here.

Teenager outsmarts Silicon Valley!

A tiny device that can recharge cell phone batteries in as little as 30 seconds won 18-year-old Eesha Khare a major science award that will help fund her college education at Harvard University.

Khare traveled from her California home to Phoenix for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, where her invention was honored as one of two winners of Young Scientist Awards.

"I'm in a daze. I can't believe this happened," Khare, a senior at Lynbrook High School in Saratoga, told CNN affiliate, KPIX 5.

Khare's device, a black, rectangular type of supercapacitor just over an inch long, can charge a cell phone battery in 20 to 30 seconds, she said.

"I developed a new supercapacitor, which is basically an energy storage device which can hold a lot of energy in a small amount of volume," she told KPIX 5. The technology may also be able to speed up charging of automobile batteries, she said.

The award includes a $50,000 prize that will come in handy when Khare heads to Harvard in the fall, she told KPIX 5. With a laugh, she predicted that "I will be setting the world on fire."

In announcing the winners of what it billed as the "world's largest high school research competition," Intel cited Khare for recognizing "the crucial need for energy-efficient storage devices" as the world rapidly adopts portable electronics.

More than 1,500 young scientists from around the world were chosen to compete in last week's fair.

Source: CNN


Meitzeu said...

Very good for urgent usage when we are out battery!

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de engineur said...

Very handy when you are in a hurry