Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Unique and beautiful tree in Kota Belud

On your way up north to Kota Belud (the town of the 'Eastern Cowboys'), look out for a big but not-so-tall rain forest tree by the road side as you approach Kg Kelawat.

The locals have stories to tell about this tree but we couldn't confirm or verify if they are legend, myth or just a bedtime story. The umbrella-shape tree was captured by a niece of mine who stays not far away from this tree and I have the permission to publish the pics.

Looks green; unfortunately those leaves don't belong to the tree. They are parasites.

Sense of size? Maybe she should be standing next to the tree

Happy Labour Day from TheGreenMechanics. That'd be tomorrow.


tehr said...

pokok apa ni, bro?
nampak macam tak ada daun je

de engineur said...

@tehr - dari kelompok hutan hujan bro, tapi tdk pasti yg mana satu.
Dgr khabar kayu ni dah nak mati; skrg dipenuhi tumbuhan tumpang saja