Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunset at Sutera Harbour Resort

To the city folks, Sutera Harbour resort is probably synonym to 7K Sunset Run. And it is by no accident that the annual run is so named as its man-made shore is perfect for sunset watch. Come anytime in the evening and you'll be presented with different 'sky paintings' every single time.

You do not have to a be a resort guest to enjoy the beach (if i can call it beach).

During fine weather, you can sit among the rocks and watch the sun goes down.

This was on the evening of Malaysia Day, 16th September 2016

You can stay back long after other revelers have left and take long exposure shots.

The sky was not clear that day and it was not possible to witness the 'fireball' dipping down the horizon but this place is nearby and you can always come back to capture that elusive shot.

See more shots at JDFloydPictures.

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