Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Kick Start Your 2021 with the NEM 3.0

Happy new year. 

Probably it's not too late to wish you a fruitful 2021 after seeing 2020 busted everyone's expectation with the Covid-19 pandemic. It just reiterate the belief that "a man's plan is not God's".

I was browsing through previous postings and one article popped up as I searched for 'Malaysia solar PV 2020'. In 2017, it mentioned that solar PV industry will generate RM70 billion and 50,000 jobs.

Of course it's obvious that this expectation was no where near achievement due to the 2020 being a year ravaged by cov coupled with the tussle for power.

2021 For Malaysia

Year 2021 looks promising though, with the introduction of NEM 3.0 programme. NEM3.0 consist of:

i) NEM Rakyat (domestic), 

ii) NEM GoMEn (Government Ministries and Entities), and 

iii) NOVA programme (Net Offset Virtual Aggregation).

I was particularly interested with the Program NEM Rakyat after missing out on the previous Feed-in Tariff for domestic consumers. NEM Rakyat is aimed at benefitting the domestic end users, maintaining the existing concept of “one-to-one” offset rate. Total allocated  quota is 100 MW.

It is a shame that NEM Rakyat is only available in Peninsula Malaysia for consumers of TNB.

Why not make it available in Sabah?

Friday, August 30, 2019


Maybe, not really. Some will argue if a 2-year pause is a short-term hiatus.

Anyway, that two years of absence was a costly one as during that period I lost possession of my domain The web-hosting company has now put my domain up for sale at $2,595 which would have been RM10,000 had I decided to put it up for sale before the expiry of my domain's tenure. My blog is now hosted on Google's blogspot until I can find a suitable domain to park it.

I hope to continue blogging again and share some work related experience and stuffs.


Our recent activity was hiking at Maragang Hill, Kundasang Sabah.

It was a very refreshing, not-so-challenging hike, or rather a walk I'd say. I will talk about it in more detail later.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

When engineers make Ketupat

Ahh...don't you just love the details engineers put into things you thought were plain simple.

Malaysia's Ketupat

The Ketupat - type of rice dumpling or rice cake - is one of the popular Malay delicacies that have been listed as heritage food in Malaysia. The Ketupat, when translated in English, is literally a made from glutinous rice.

It’s usually wrapped in a triangular shape using the leaves of the fan palm Licuala. Wrapped in a pouch of woven palm leaves, is then boiled for hours. As the rice cooks, the grains expand to fill the pouch and the rice becomes compressed into soft cakes.

In Malaysia, Ketupat is also traditionally served by Malays at open houses on festive occasions such as Idul Fitri (Hari Raya Aidilfitri).

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from The Green Mechanics
Kota Kinabalu,
25 June 2017

Credit to: (i)Hollidays in malaysia - click for more info
(ii)Anonymous - for the image/drawing (via whatsap)

The copyright owner of the image may come forward to identify that this image is theirs and that in no circumstances should be publish unless otherwise stated, to which the administrator  shall be obliged to remove such image from the website.